Daniel Blanc's Web Design Portfolio

Welcome!Picture of me

About Me

Hello! My name is Daniel Blanc. I am currently in 10th grade and attending LACES. I am a technology lover; anything from computers to video games to robotics. Take a look around this portfolio to see the various projects I've done this semester!

My Theme

My theme was about me! The main reason I chose this theme was because usually I don't write a lot about myself in English. This is because English generally isn't my favorite subject. However since I was in my favorite subject, computers and technology, I thought I should write about myself. I also touched a bit on things that I like to do on my free time and also how technology has shaped who I am.

The Class

The Web Development class is very enjoyable. I really enjoyed the fact about how loose the class is. It is not like any other class. Mr. Merriman trusts us working on our own and often negotiates deadlines with us. While sometimes it is challenging to overcome problems in coding, there is a very nice feeling once I do overcome the problem and successfully complete a webpage. This class is a nice addition to my schedule.

My Projects


Primer was by far the easiest webpage I had to do. It was as easy as copying and pasting from the example that Mr. Merriman gave us. However I did not copy and paste; I had to windows open and I typed the code in. I did this so I can remember the code better for the future.


The basics project was when my theme came to life. This page was relatively easy because it was almost the same as the primer except with my own content.


Styles was when things started to pick up. I had a little bit of trouble getting all the formatting to work but once I figured out how to do formatting correctly it was very straight forward and easy.

Links, Tables, and Lists

Links, tables, and lists was a bit more challenging than the previous projects. It took me a while to get the idea of tables because of how all the code was text based and no visuals like in Microsoft Word. However once I figured out the tables part everything else way quite easy.

Table Layout

Table layout was probably the most time-consuming project. This was because I had to transfer all of my styles to an internal styles sheet. Also designing the actual layout was time-consuming because I had to make sure everything looked right which it often didn't so I would have to make adjustments to the size of different elements.


Forms was fairly easy project. I had to do it over the thanksgiving vacation. I wasn't in Los Angeles at the time and I still managed to finish it in decent amount of time. I enjoyed seeing how the forms that everyone fills out every day are actually made.


Frames is the very project that you are looking at. At first frames seemed like it would be the hardest project yet, however it was not at all. It was simple. The hardest part would have to be getting the links displaying in the display page but even that wasn't hard.


Divs was one of the most enjoyable projects simply because of the satisfaction I got seeing my webpage really come to life. I really tried to make the design look nice. It was also interesting to see how the div element worked and implementing it into my website to replace the frame element.